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Saturday, December 30, 2017

What you can do with a large hole in the wall, make a memory.

My son accidentally fell through wall with his body going down into the basement.  In this picture you can see how big a space I had to work with.  I put some wood slats across the bottom from beam to beam, and also added a rug on top of it.  I then painted the interior walls and added wallpaper.  In the corner I added some corners pieces of wood to finish off the corner.

Here is another view of the hole.

I added a picture from a calender on the left side wall, you can see it in the picture.  I also glued some pictures on the walls of Disney characters, which I got off some boxes.  I also put a piece of a necklace on the wall that looks like a mirror once the cameo was removed. I also added some dollhouse furniture and accessories.

Another view.

I then got a piece of Sheetrock that would fit the opening and cut out spots for two windows and a door.  I know this might seem strange but I didn't have any speckle or tape so for the tape I used strips of papertowels, the spackle I used was a wood glue mixed with flour to make a heavy paste.  When this dries it is as hard as rock. I then took paint and mixed sand with it to make a textured paint. I painted the exterior a bluish gray color.

Another view.

I then added some wood trim around it, and a plastic material type roof to look like a clay roof which you can find in dollhouse supplies.  I added the front of a card to look like some scenery which you can see.  Over top of the door you will see a blue circle, this is a milk cap.  I bought a plastic letter from kohls that had a light on it.  This letter was a Christmas ornament for on a tree that could be battery operated and there is also a tester wire with a button on the end so you could see it lit.  I kept the tester line on it which had a push button on the end.  I cut a hole into the milk cap and put the button into it.  I then hot glued the milk cap over the door.  The light can not be seen. It is on the inside of the wall and is thumbtacked to the Sheetrock above the large window.  When you push the button and hold it down you can see the scenery better.

This is a photo of the inside when the button is being held Down.

Another view.

This is another view, while the button is pressed.

Another view.  Remember, don't get mad when a hole is made in the wall, make a memory.  Tell the children that little people moved in, they will love it!