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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Making a minature Casio for a dollhouse

These are the pieces you will need.  A dowel, two x pieces and a cheap plastic piano from the dollar store and some lace for decoration.  The x pieces I used were from a toy I took apart from a broken toy.

The first thing is to cut a piece of dowel to fit in between the x's.  Make sure you have a distance between them that the little piano can sit on top.

I spray painted it silver.

The piano gets glued to the top and lace added around it.

This is a side view

This is a back view.

Making a minature record player for a dollhouse

You will need a jewelry box for the record player to be in.

You need to cut a piece of black foam board the size of the inside and glue it down.

The green circle is a milk cap which you need to spray paint white.  You will also need the silver piece that you see in the picture, this piece will be attached through the milk cap this is the piece that holds the record on.

Make a hole in the center of the milk cap and slide the metal piece through it.  This is what the top will look like.

This is what it looks like underneath.

You need to cut out a circle that will be the record out of and black plastic item.

After cutting out the circle I took a small screwdriver and make circles around the record, to make it look like a record.

I made a hole in the middle of the record, and also downloaded a picture of a minature record label image off the computer.  I glued the label onto the record.

This is what the record looks like with the label.

The record gets glued onto the milk cap which is the turn table.  As you can see in the middle is the silver metal piece that the record goes over.

Now for the arm that holds the needle, you will need this type of toothpick.  Next picture will show you them.

This is the toothpicks. You need to cut off the two fork pieces, don't throw them out you will need one of them for the needle.

This is a piece from cheap plastic earrings from the dollar store, the square piece on the earring needs to be cut off.  This piece has three closed sides and one side that is open.  The open side is going to be be where the toothpick sits in it.

This is the piece you cut off and it has the toothpick glued into the opening.  Under the square piece you will be gluing a bead under it as you see in the next pictures.

This is a cheap plastic necklace from the dollar store I cut off one of the beads that will be glued under the square piece.

This is what it looks like under the square piece.

You need to cut a piece off the fork piece off the toothpick for a needle.  This piece gets glued under the toothpick arm.

You will need a small piece cut off the end of this item, you can use anything for the shape of the lever for the speed.

In this picture you can see the arm with the needle attached and two gold beads also in the front area for the knobs.

In this picture I added the piece off the plastic crown for the speed lever.  I painted a line for the speed area, I painted the tops of the gold knobs white.  I also painted the arm black, silver, and a touch of red on the side as you will see in the next picture.

This is the side view you can see the area where it was painted red this area is what holds the needle in a record player.  Every doll needs her own record player.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Make a minature tv out of a single apple pie box

This is what your going to be making into a minature tv for a dollhouse.  You can buy them in the store they are single serving pies.

The first thing you do is remove the price tag, don't rip the plastic in the window are this is going to be your tv screen.  Then download some pictures off the internet for what you want to see on tv.  If your want make a copy of a family picture and put your family on tv or maybe a movie star, singer etc. it's your choice.  You glue the picture to the inside of the plastic so you can see it in the window area.  I use modge pod it dries clear.

This is what it will look like.  I also added some plastic to the inside from a water bottle holder for weight.

This is the plastic I used, you can use whatever you want.

I always keep the wood that I have left over from putting dollhouses together just in case I need them.

I cut two pieces of thin wood one for the top of the tv and one for the bottom that I glue on.

In this picture I put a weight on top to glue down the top wood.  I also added some wood trim.

This is the side.

This is the back.

In this picture I painted the boxes brown and painted the trim work black.  I also added yellow dots for decorations.  The knobs on the bottom are the circles from a shower curtain that help hold up the curtain, I added beads to the center to make the tv knobs.  I also added some lace for decoration.

This is a closeup of the lion king tv.

This is a closeup of lady and the tramp tv.

This is the back.

I needed rabbit ears for the antenna, I made it out of a piece of wood and a small dowel cut to size.

I colored the rabbit ears black, silver and added small silver beads to the tops of the dowels.  If you want the tv to light up just add the top of a solar light to the back of the box.  Drill a hole so the little nub can fit right in it.  Just make sure that there is no plastic on the inside before you put in a light, add something else on the inside for the weight. Or add battery operated lights.  It all up to you, have fun!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Another beautiful ceiling for a dollhouse

You need a cardboard template of the ceiling you want to decorate.  This cardboard is what you will be decorating.  You will need a printout of a design for the middle and different types of lace.

This is the cardboard decorated with lace, ribbon and the picture in the middle is off the internet.  This will be glued to the ceiling in the dollhouse.

This is what the ceiling looks like in the kitchen area.  This makes the ceiling a lot easier to work on and attaching it to the ceiling.

How to make a tin ceiling for your dollhouse

The first thing you need to do is make a template of the ceiling out of paper, using the template cut that shape out of cardboard.  You will also need cat and dog food can tops.  You need to cut the tops into square pieces, all need to be cut the same way.

After cutting them up you need to paint them the color you want, I colored these a copper color.

I used a bamboo table placemat for spacers between the tiles.

I painted the cardboard the same color as the tiles.  I also added a border around it with the bamboo wood.

In this picture you can see how I put it all together.

This is what the ceiling looks like after I glued the cardboard to the ceiling.  The next step I'm doing is the steps.