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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Making a minature portable record player for a dollhouse

You will need a jewelry box for the record player case.

Next thing you need is a piece of black plastic.  You need to cut a circle out of it for the record, after you cut out the circle you need to take a small screwdriver and scratch in circles around the record to make it look like a record.

This is a closeup of what the record will look like.

Next go on the Internet and look up images of record labels, print one out and glue it to your record.

Now to make turn table.  You need a milk cap and one of these silver pieces that you see in the photo. Make a hole in the middle of the milk cap so you will be able to fit the silver stem into it.  You need to paint the milk cap white before inserting the silver item.

This is what the top of the turn table will look like with the silver item in it.

This is the underneath part.

Next take a piece of black foam board and glue it down inside the jewelry box.

You need to first glue the record onto the milk cap.  Then glue the milk cap onto the black foam board on the inside of the record player.  Make sure you glue it towards the top left area, you will need to put in other items.

At the dollar store they sell cheap plastic earrings in the toy area, you are going to need the little square piece in the back of the earring.  Cut the areas around the square.  This will be the piece that the arm of the record player will be glued into.

You will need one of these bamboo forks for the arm.

This is what one of the forks look like.  You need to cut off the two pointy forks off, don't throw them out one of these is going to be used for the record player needle.  You also need to cut some off the other end, you won't know how much until it is put into the square holder so you know how long it has to be for the record player.

You also need little beads for under the silver square piece from the earring, and also for the record player knobs.  I bought this from the dollar store it was a necklace.

This is the picture of the silver square piece off the earring with one of the gold beads glued under it.  This will be the holder for the arm of the record player.

This is the arm glued into the silver earring piece. 

In this picture you can see that one of the fork points was glued under the wooden bamboo fork.  You can also see there was some cut off the fork for the length of it.  You can also see two beads that were added to the inside for the record player.

In this picture I added alittle square piece for a lever for the speed, I also painted a mark for the area under the lever for the speed dial part.  I also painted the arm button tops and the needle.

This is the side view of the record player. I also painted a little red mark in the area where it would hold the needle.  Every doll needs a record player in her house.  In my next blog you will see a bookcase that I made from a Valentine's Day candy box.  You could make some more records for the record player that sit in the bookcase if you want to.

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