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Monday, April 7, 2014

An idea of a an older coach lantern and a glass lamp put together for a solar light fixture for the garden.

This is two pieces that I plan on putting together to make a beautiful solar light fixture.

I first took the two fixtures apart and took the pieces that I plan on using.  The piece of the lantern that I took off will show up in another blog keep your eyes on the blogs I put on.

This is a brass ball which has threads on the inside I'm using this piece to hold it all together.

I painted some of the pieces so they would all match in the colors I wanted.

If you look at this picture you will see I put the lantern on top of the glass lamp bottom and on the inside you will see that brass ball that I used for putting it all together.  However, on the top of the lantern there was an opening which I needed closed up.  So what I did was cut a piece of exterior thick plywood to an octagon shape and glued it to the top, I also drill a hole in the middle to fit my solar light.  The solar light I added changes colors from red to green to blue.

Here is what it looks like when the green color is on.  When it's outside it is more noticeable at night.

Here is what the top piece of plywood looks like after I painted it gold in color.  You can see the hole in the middle and also I added some gold trim around the plywood.

Here is a better look at the top.  I hope this gives you some ideas for what you can use an old coach light for and a lamp.

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