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Monday, December 31, 2018

Making a sign for in a dollhouse bathroom

In this picture you can see a picture that I cut out of a magazine and I cut a piece of wood the size that I needed for it.  You could use one of the free paint sticks you get in the store that sells paints.  After I cut the piece I took a piece of sandpaper and rounded the edges.
 I then painted the wood pink and used my fingers to take off the extra paint.  In this picture you can see the mod podge which I am using for gluing the picture on and sealing it.
 In this picture you can see I glued on the picture, but I wanted it to look old so I used dark brown paint that I watered down.  But before aging it with the brown paint I paint in the designs on want on it I used gold and blue paint. I then painted on mod podge to seal everything after the paint was applied and dry.  I like using my fingers to smear on the mod podge but be fast you don’t want your fingers to stick to the picture.
 In this picture you can see I glued on a bow on top.  Now this is ready to put in my dollhouse unless you decide that you want to add a small chain or hanging thing to the back, I am just gluing it on the wall.  Magazines are the best!
These are the supplies I used to create this project.

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