For those of you that don’t know what Jenga wood blocks are, this is the game Jenga. The pieces for the game is what we will be making the steps out of. You can usually find these games at yard sales; mostly missing pieces but still worth a buy.
We will be using this glue to glue all the pieces together. This is Gorilla Glue I mix flour with this glue. It makes the glue dry faster and when it’s dry, it is harder than a rock. I also use this technique in making concrete foundation walls for my dollhouses
and for filling cracks. The more flour the thicker the glue.
This cup has the wood glue mixed with flour. I then start gluing the Jenga blocks together.

I will be using this egg carton for making the stones for on the outer parts of the steps. I just used the cartons that were saved from the last time I bought eggs. However I found a great deal on amazon. 30 count egg trays (18 trays) for less than $17.

This is a front view of the steps.

And.. Another view.

The way I painted them was... First I painted the whole thing with a light gray color paint. Then I mixed some black with gray, which is in a plastic cup and stirred with a popsicle stick to get a darker grey; which I dabbed
on all the rocks which were made from the egg carton. Don’t put to much on them. Then I darkened the color again by adding more black paint and stirring it again. Dab on this darker color in different areas on the rocks, and one more
time add some more black and dab on. Now take a q tip and blend the colors on the rocks by dabbing not rubbing. I then take a thin paint brush, take white paint and with a little paint on the brush I put a thin line of white paint around each rock to highlight
it. The tops of the steps since they already have one coat of the gray paint. I also do the same method with the addition of black paint added to the gray. Each time dabbing on the different shades. I paint the rocks and the tops of the steps the same way. Then at the end I take white paint and just highlight the edges of the steps and sides.
If you don't already have acrylic paint, I highly recommend the Appel Barrel brand. They have a huge selection of different types of paints, weather it be metallic, gloss, matte, neon, and I've even seen fluorescent.

Materials List:
- Janga Blocks
- Disposable paint cups
- (Recommended) Parchment Paper
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