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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Another bubble gum machine turned into a snow globe with a lighthouse scenery inside.

I found another plastic bubble gum machine, as you can see this one is dirty.  First thing I did was take it apart and clean it up.

This is a piece from an old light fixture which I will be using for this project.

This use to be a lamp you can see the hole on the top where the bar came out of that held the lamp shade.  I will be using this for my project also.

I started to take the bubble gum machine apart, this is the top piece under the globe area.

This is what is under the piece that I showed you above.

This is the globe.

I will also be using these aquarium gravel rocks.

I will also be using this old light fixture, you can see where the light bulb use to go.  I am taking out all the electric and also the whole area where the light bulb goes in and the screws on the sides.

I will also be using this top off a lamp which holds a shade into place.  I am painting this the color white.

Well here it is the old light fixture minus the electric and the area where the light bulb use to go in.  I put a metal threaded bar in the middle on the underside of the light fixture I used a piece of round metal which has a hole in the middle.  The bar fits right through the center.  The round piece of metal use to be in the bottom base of an antique lamp it use to give it weight and hold the lamp down.  I got it from taking some lights apart in the past for other projects.

Here is the globe.  After putting the other piece of light fixture which you could see above on top of the piece I just showed you I attached the lamp top and then capped it off with the lamp shade holder.  I then put it on top of the bubble gum machine and attached the globe.  I then put in the rocks.

Every snow globe needs a cap top.  This is a piece I'm using I spray painted this red.  This use to be a piece to a hanging light.  As you can see the three holes.  Two of the holes on the sides I will be covering with nice looking marbles to hide them.  The middle circle I will be installing a solar light top.  The light itself fits in the center hole and just sits on top.

Here's what the finished project looks like.  I also added some snow flakes.  After all this is a snow globe now.  At night the inside lights up and reflects snow flakes shape around the floor area.  It's so nice to see my projects lit up at night.  

This is a close up of the top.  I added beads.  You can see the light fixture top on top and solar light top.

Here's a close up of the inside of the globe.

This is the middle of the bubble gum machine.  You can see the area where the money use to be able to go in I put a marble in that spot.  I also have a teddy bear having a great time on his tire swing hanging from the turn knob.  You can also see some shells I added to the front.

This is what the bottom looks like.  I added some rocks in the area where the bubble gum use to come out.  and I also added a shell on the front.  

this is what this project looks like from the back.

This is what the inside looked like before I put on the globe.  You can see all the different lamp fixture pieces I put together to build up the bottom area inside the globe.

This is another picture of the back of this project, I added a cork and a marble into the area that use to be where you took the money out of the machine.   I also put marbles around and running down the sides of this project to give it some design.  Don't forget to check out my blog tomorrow there will be a dollhouse that I refurbished that turned out unbelievable.   I also made four solar light holders and put them into the dollhouse they light up the inside windows at night.  You have to see it.  I hope all these projects give you some good ideas.

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